Let’s Have a Guilt-Free Party


In a party, one thing would really not be missing and that is food with excess calories and fat. Food is an essential element in a party and it is a party essential that makes people feast into one banquet, showing oneness and acquaintance with one another. Without food, a party would never be complete.

Lets Have a Guilt Free Party

A lot of people love going to parties. In the evolution of time and the spur of the new generation, a lot of people are also into parties but are usually strictly monitoring their diets. In order not to ruin their diet, here are ten of the best and healthiest party foods that people can devour upon, without having the guilt:

  1. Fruit skewers– Who say skewers can never be this colorful, dun, zesty, and fruity? Fruit skewers are the nutritious treats on a stick that can never go wrong.
  2. Zesty Crab Cakes– Crab cakes can have the zesty and healthy twist when given a squeeze of lemon juice and a garlic and onion chives sauce to go with it.
  3. Bacon-wrapped asparagus- Never be guilty of eating bacon as it goes well with asparagus to neutralize the intake of meat.
  4. Meatless Pasta– Why not try a pasta meal without the meat on it? Try some white-fleshed fish to substitute your meatballs or bacon without compromising the best taste your pasta can have.
  5. Yoghurt popsicles– You will never be too old for this healthy Popsicle treat that can be served as dessert. Yoghurt contains zero percent fat, thus making this icy yummy treat very healthy.

  6. Mini Sushi– This Japanese treat can never go wrong especially when you will be the one to put in your favorite vegetables, fruits, and fresh sticks in the roll.
  7. Lettuce Cups with Beef and Tofu– Let the lettuce be the boat and the beef and tofu be the passengers. Let them go into your system, letting you have the healthiest and heartiest meal.
  8. Pork and Tofu Enchilada– Pork and Tofu really go well with each other, especially when seasoned with garlic and onion soy sauce. It is not only healthy; it is also a tummy-filler.
  9. Toasted Bread on with Roasted Eggplant Dip– Get the nutrition of bread and eggplant with this healthy appetizer that gives the go and the glow to your diet.
  10. Vegetable Nacho– Bite into the crisp of the usual nachos without having the taste of vegetables in it. Nachos gone healthy—having the perfect crisp to a perfect diet.

Parties would never be very hard because of the numerous healthy party foods that can be prepared. Whenever in doubt of what to eat, consider the list and make it very helpful to you and your guests. Do you have any healthy party foods to share? Share it with us too!


Credits to my nutritionist friends for their ideas and my mother for her recipes.

Image Courtesy:

Chicken bar B Q. 2013. Photograph. http://myfbcovers.com/Web. 8 Dec 2013. <http://myfbcovers.com/facebook-cover/food-drinks/chicken-bar-b-q>.

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Writer, yoga instructor, beauty and fitness expert, Janavi handles different roles in her daily life. After working as a reporter for Times of India for 1 year Janavi is now a freelance writer for many fashion and fitness blogs and writes about yoga, beauty, lifestyle, fitness, nutrition and more. She is also a consultant for various fitness centers in India.